Furniture Visualization Process

This gallery showcases a collection of examples created by following a streamlined process designed to transform raw furniture photos into captivating marketing images. The process includes:

  1. Raw Photo Cut: Begin with a raw photo of the furniture, meticulously cut out to isolate the piece.
  2. Adjustments: Adapt colors and shadows of the furniture for a natural look in any setting.
  3. Background Selection: Choose a "lifestyle" environment photo for the background to set the scene.
  4. Integration: Match the furniture's perspective with the background, ensuring a realistic placement.
  5. Refinement: Fine-tune colors and shadows for a seamless blend between the furniture and its environment.
  6. Decoration: Add decorative elements and final touches to enhance the image's appeal.

This process ensures each piece of furniture is presented in an engaging and lifelike context, highlighting its potential in a real-world setting.